Collingham Pre-School

Collingham and District Pre School provides high quality childcare for residents of the village and wider area. We are always seeking to improve our provision for our children and their families to provide the best possible care to promote healthy and happy development, leading to happy and healthy individuals

Pat nominated Collingham Pre School as there are a growing number of children in the village. Children thrive on a child centred environment with varied activities they learn to play together and form relationships with other children, prior to starting primary school.

As part of our ongoing development, Collingham pre School would like to develop their outside provision, including an area for woodwork and specific tools for woodwork and construction (for example, a woodwork bench, child’s size saws, drills, screwdrivers and a stock of suitable materials to use). This will hopefully help to engage those children reluctant to engage in other activities. It will also develop fine motor skills which are critical to child’s healthy development alongside empowering the children to engage in creative and imaginative play as well as engaging and forming the foundations of critical thinking skills.